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Please allow a lead time of: 3 days

A personalised print of a word of your choice filled with your photos and bordered in your choice of colours. The print comes in a simple black frame to make your images pop. Please send at least 5 photos in a direct message to me, or email them to Please specify the word you would like printed in the personalisation options. Please note that not all photos may be used, I will pick the ones most suited to the design you have chosen.


Personalised multi photo word print

  • Item ID: 1716
Please allow a lead time of: 3 days

A personalised print of a word of your choice filled with your photos and bordered in your choice of colours. The print comes in a simple black frame to make your images pop. Please send at least 5 photos in a direct message to me, or email them to Please specify the word you would like printed in the personalisation options. Please note that not all photos may be used, I will pick the ones most suited to the design you have chosen.

  • Quantity: 9
  • Handmade: Home, Frames



What word or name would you like on the print? What colour(s) would you like on the border?

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